Scroll down for FAQ


What Software do I use?

Adobe CC + Affinity Creative Suite
+ Figma + Github + After Effects + Photoshop + Blockchain protocools Crypto wallets proficiency +  Procreate.

What can be created?

SVGs, NFTs, Lottie files (animations), websites, social media visuals, app designs.

What skills do I have to power these?

UI/ UX, UX research, creative management, animation, fine art/design illustration/ painting background, print, brand psychology, app design, website design, prototyping, wireframing.

What experience do I have?

I've been working in Web 3 for the past 4 years. Before that I worked in graphic design & fine art illustration for over 15 years. Check out my CV here.

Are Employee or Contract roles preferred?

I have preference for employer roles. I'm open to one-off projects too :)

How much to I charge an hr?

40 USD an hour.

Payment preferences?

Crypto is most preferred form of payment (Stablecoins USDC + Tether, Bitcoin + Ethereum too). Fiat is second preference.

Contact & FAQ

Using the form or info. below (form sends an email to my email listed), say hey! 


(+ 995) 558 355 378 Telegram & Whatsapp.

Reach out and say hey!

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Phone (+ 995) 558 355 378 Telegram & Whatsapp.


Email address


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 © 2024 Nicole Firth. All rights reserved. 

 © 2024 Nicole Firth. All rights reserved.